How do you prepare for a Wellness Retreat?

What is a Wellness Retreat: A wellness retreat is a time to pause and recharge, to get time away from the day-to-day stress of life in order to make healthy changes. Whether you're looking for a chance to be pampered with spa treatments and healthy meals, or you need some extra motivation and guidance through your personal health regime, they are a great way of achieving balance. How do I prepare for Wellness Retreat? If you're planning on attending any sort of wellness retreat, it's advisable that you make preparations for your physical health before hand. In fact, you may even be required to submit some health information before the start of your retreat. If you're interested in following an exercise program while on your retreat, it' s best if you incorporate as much of it into your daily routine before hand in order to avoid burn out when trying to complete the same exercises while also trying to fit them into a busy spa schedule. If your goal is weight...